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Increasing throughput by curing parts simultaneously - P143

From CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre
Practice - A6Production Optimization - A250Increasing throughput by curing parts simultaneously - P143
Increasing throughput by curing parts simultaneously
Practice document
Document Type Practice
Document Identifier 143
Objective functions
MSTE workflow Optimization

Q:"I would like to increase the utilization of a cure vessel and increase production rate by curing multiple parts simultaneously in it. How do I establish cure families for a given cure vessel where all the parts in the family can be cured together and achieve acceptable quality and/or be cured in a reasonable amount of time?"

A:You can cure multiple parts together and maintain quality as long as the parts have a similar thermal behavior. Key features which need to be consistent while grouping parts and defining a cure family include: the thickest and thinnest location of the tool, the thickest and thinnest location of the part, the reinforcing structure of the tool, and the core sections and special features of the part or tool.

Overview[edit | edit source]

As explained in Systems Knowledge, composites processing is a complex interaction between material response, part shape and dimensions, tooling choices, and equipment behavior. Any variation in the MSTEP collection may affect the manufacturing outcomes. When curing multiple parts simultaneously in the same cure vessel, variations between MSTEP collections must be accommodated to meet the material and process specifications. For example, the parts might be made of different materials, have different shapes and a wide range of thicknesses. In addition, their tool might be made of different materials, have different substructures and thicknesses. Finally, even if the parts are sharing the same cure vessel, this does not mean that they are exposed to the same curing conditions. In a forced convection oven or autoclave, the placement of each individual part and their geometry influence the surrounding gas flow and consequently the local heat transfer coefficients. All these variations combine to determine the distribution of parts’ thermal histories, which might deviate from the specified thermal histories defined during material qualification. To ensure thermal conformance, current practice consists of grouping parts into families as described below.

Thermal management considerations[edit | edit source]

Link to thermal management

From a thermal management perspective, curing multiple parts simultaneously in a forced convection oven or autoclave represents a major challenge. The oven or autoclave must use a cure cycle which is valid for all parts in the load. This can be achieved by grouping parts with similar thermal features. Usually, increasing throughput by curing parts simultaneously is applied to parts which look almost identical and only differ by slightly different size or shape. The manufacturing of fuselage frames is a good example of a bus-stop autoclave production where multiple parts are cured simultaneously. Fuselage frames are made of many types of parts, all having a common architecture, similar tooling, size, and shape which make their concurrent cure possible.

First, the parts must be grouped by processing specifications and further by the specific cure cycle. Then the following features within a family need to be consistent and in the same relative location:

  1. The thickest and thinnest location of the tool
  2. The thickest and thinnest location of the part
  3. The reinforcing structure of the tool
  4. The core sections and special features of the part or tool.

These criteria can be used to group different parts together in a single load where each part/tool has a valid thermal profile using a single specified cure cycle.

Finally, you can evaluate the thermal history of a family of parts by using:

  1. Thermal Simulation
  2. Thermal Test
  3. Combination of thermal simulation and test

Independently of the method used, a thermal survey is often done on only one, or a few, of the part/tool(s) in order to save time and effort. The results of the survey are then applied to the whole family. In that case, the thermal profiling activity starts by identifying one, or a few, representative part(s) and identifying the zones of interests, i.e. most likely locations of lead and lag. The lead and lag locations are the hottest and coldest areas at any given point of time in the cycle. When the thermal survey is done experimentally, determining these two locations mostly relies on engineering judgment. The thickest and the thinnest parts are typical candidates for having the largest lead and lag temperatures. Similarly, within the same part, extremes in any feature (such as min/max thickness locations) may lead to the highest lead, lag, or exotherm location. To understand more about the effect of part shape or material on the thermal response of parts visit Systems Knowledge - effect of shape or Systems Knowledge - effect of material. Note that the lead and lag locations may change during the cure cycle and can depend on the cure cycle itself. A switch during a cure cycle is often due to the exothermic nature of the thermoset resin. One may have to identify multiple lead or lag locations, or choose proxy thermocouples (i.e. thermocouples placed on the tool) that lead/lag more than the part in order to bound the part temperatures. Attention should be given to identify the location with the slowest heating rate. This can be different from than the lag location and may need to be tracked as well (depending on the part, specification, and other requirements).

If you find that the representative part(s) does not meet the given thermal specifications, you will have to implement step-by-step mitigation strategies. You might consider changing:

Depending on how advanced you are in the development process and what the thermal specifications are that you are failing, you might also consider altering or changing:

  • The part family (i.e. changes to the material or shape of the part),
  • The thermal specifications (i.e. a bridge program).

Material deposition management considerations[edit | edit source]

Link to material deposition management

Content coming soon.

Flow and consolidation management considerations[edit | edit source]

Link to flow and consolidation management

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Welcome to the CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC). The KPC is a resource for learning and applying scientific knowledge to the practice of composites manufacturing. As you navigate around the KPC, refer back to the information on this right-hand pane as a resource for understanding the intricacies of composites processing and why the KPC is laid out in the way that it is. The following video explains the KPC approach:

Understanding Composites Processing

The Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC) is centered around a structured method of thinking about composite material manufacturing. From the top down, the heirarchy consists of:

The way that the material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment (abbreviated as MSTE) interact with each other during a process step is critical to the outcome of the manufacturing step, and ultimately critical to the quality of the finished part. The interactions between MSTE during a process step can be numerous and complex, but the Knowledge in Practice Centre aims to make you aware of these interactions, understand how one parameter affects another, and understand how to analyze the problem using a systems based approach. Using this approach, the factory can then be developed with a complete understanding and control of all interactions.

The relationship between material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment during a process step

Interrelationship of Function, Shape, Material & Process

Design for manufacturing is critical to ensuring the producibility of a part. Trouble arises when it is considered too late or not at all in the design process. Conversely, process design (controlling the interactions between shape, material, tooling & consumables and equipment to achieve a desired outcome) must always consider the shape and material of the part. Ashby has developed and popularized the approach linking design (function) to the choice of material and shape, which influence the process selected and vice versa, as shown below:

The relationship between function, material, shape and process

Within the Knowledge in Practice Centre the same methodology is applied but the process is more fully defined by also explicitly calling out the equipment and tooling & consumables. Note that in common usage, a process which consists of many steps can be arbitrarily defined by just one step, e.g. "spray-up". Though convenient, this can be misleading.

The relationship between function, material, shape and process consisting of Equipment and Tooling and consumables


The KPC's Practice and Case Study volumes consist of three types of workflows:

  • Development - Analyzing the interactions between MSTE in the process steps to make decisions on processing parameters and understanding how the process steps and factory cells fit within the factory.
  • Troubleshooting - Guiding you to possible causes of processing issues affecting either cost, rate or quality and directing you to the most appropriate development workflow to improve the process
  • Optimization - An expansion on the development workflows where a larger number of options are considered to achieve the best mixture of cost, rate & quality for your application.