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How to perform an experimental thermal profile - M102

From CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre
Systems Knowledge - A4Systems knowledge method documents - A191How to perform an experimental thermal profile - M102
How to perform an experimental thermal profile
Systems knowledge method
SystemsMethodDoc Image-JJBnrDwmVS9r.svg
Document Type Method
Document Identifier 102

Overview[edit | edit source]

Experimental thermal profiling is a practice in composites manufacturing where material/tooling temperatures and temperature rates are measured using thermocouples. This activity is performed to ensure that all material points in the part satisfy the material’s thermal specifications. Typical thermal specifications may include minimum/maximum heat up and cool down rates and minimum length (duration) of temperature holds. Experimental thermal profiling is often a necessary step to qualify a manufacturing (MSTE) system before moving it to production.

Scope[edit | edit source]

This method document provides a step-by-step workflow on how to perform an experimental thermal profile. The current practice consists of instrumenting the part to verify that the thermal history of the part meets the material's thermal specifications. The accepted workflow as described below does not take advantage of manufacturing simulation and is purely experimental. However, manufacturing simulation can be introduced into this workflow as an enabling tool. The use of process simulation is not covered in this method document. To learn how process simulation can be used to predict the tool/part thermal history, refer to how to perform a numerical thermal profile.

Significance[edit | edit source]

The thermal history of the material throughout the manufacturing process play a critical role in the outcomes of the part. If the material is not stored at the proper temperature, or if its temperature during thermal transformation does not follow the material’s thermal specifications, the part's performances may be impacted. For instance, quality issues such as reduced mechanical properties, non-uniform consolidation, volatile entrapment, and dimensional non-conformity, can manifest if the thermal history of adjacent zones differ significantly. Therefore, verification of the material’s thermal history is important to establish a link between process conditions and part performances. Experimental thermal profiling is a procedure used to verify that the thermal history of the material is compliant with the material's thermal specifications such that the desired as-manufactured properties can be achieved.

Instrumented part and tooling prior to bagging and thermal profiling (photo courtesy of CCMRD).

You might consider this activity when:

  • You are undergoing production development and are in the final stages of locking down your manufacturing process.
  • You are exploring the design space with respect to material, shape, tooling, or equipment and would like to optimize your process.
  • You are troubleshooting and reacting to a need to make fundamental changes to your material, shape, tooling, or equipment, in order to meet thermal requirements.

Prerequisites[edit | edit source]

Workflow[edit | edit source]

The step-by-step workflow described below merely consists of measuring the temperature of the part during the manufacturing process and, more specifically, during thermal transformation at a number of discrete points. To ensure a good part, all measured temperatures must conform to the material's thermal specifications. In practice, this is often limited to a few locations within the part in order to measure the maximum (lead) and minimum (lag) temperature. The lead and lag temperature are used to ensure that the temperature profile of all material points satisfy the upper and lower bounds of the thermal specifications. Note that in production, the part thermal history can be monitored by measuring the temperature of the tooling or equipment instead of the part itself. Representative locations identified through thermal profiling analysis are used as proxies for the part temperature.

Thermal profiling workflow.

1. Define Part-tool Thermal Profiling Plan (PTTP)
1.1 Identify manufacturing system
Thermal profiling at the pre-production phase is either performed on the real part, a representative part, also called a charge, or a representative part when the production includes a family of parts. The first steps of the workflow aim to define them, and also to identify the zones of interests where to measure the thermal history. The objective of the following first step is to define the real system from a thermal management perspective.
The parameters listed below are required to identify a representative manufacturing system when needed, to define the thermal profiling plan and complete the thermal profiling workflow; they describe the manufacturing system from a thermal management perspective. A fully defined system should include a value for each parameter, however, in practice it is not always practical or even necessary to spend the time and effort to obtain an accurate value. What is important, is to be aware of these parameters and how they affect the engineering decisions made in subsequent steps. The table serves as a checklist to expose gaps in information and ensure that all parameters are considered. Information on how to define them can be found in the Foundational Knowledge volume.
a) Consider each parameter in the table below (see also Thermal management),
b) Document those that are known,
c) Consider those that are not known, and
d) Determine if testing should be conducted to obtain an accurate value.
MSTE parameters relevant to thermal management
Class Parameter
Material Type
Heat of reaction
Cure kinetics
Heat capacity
Thermal conductivity
Temperature cycle
Pressure cycle
Shape Geometry (i.e., flat, curved, etc.)
Feature (i.e. inserts, holes, etc.)
Architecture (i.e. solid laminate, sandwich laminate, etc.)
Dimensions (i.e. thickness, width, length)
Tooling Geometry and configuration (i.e., type of substructure)
Dimensions (i.e. faceskin thickness, width, length)
Equipment Type (i.e. autoclave, hot press, oven, etc.)
Heat transfer mechanism (i.e. type and amplitude)
Temperature range and uniformity, controllable or not
Pressure range, controllable or not
1.2 Define representative manufacturing system
Thermal profiling at the pre-production phase can either be performed on the real manufacturing system if available or on a representative system. For example, at the pre-production phase, you might be performing a thermal profile on:
  • A family of parts and are only considering evaluating the thermal response of one representative part, or
  • A representative charge rather than the real part.
The decision of using a representative system is driven by cost considerations and availability. Any deviations of the representative system from the real MSTE system have to be documented and the thermal equivalency of the representative system demonstrated.
The objective of this step is to define the representative system to be used for performing the thermal profile. Skip this step if the the real system is available and you decide to use it to perform the thermal profile evaluation. Otherwise, define the representative system and clearly identify any deviations from the real system
a) Define a representative shape if thermal profiling is not performed on the real part(s)
Thermal management parameters for defining a representative charge
Class Parameters
Shape (representative) Geometry (i.e., flat, curved, etc.)
Feature (i.e. inserts, holes, etc.)
Architecture (i.e. monolithic laminate, sandwich laminate, etc.)
Dimensions (i.e. thickness, width, length)
b) Define a representative part if thermal profiling is not performed on all real parts
  • Divide tooling into a family of tools that have similar features, including tool materials, thermal mass, thickness, and substructure configuration.
  • For each family of tools, divide parts into groups of similar cure cycles and materials.
  • Further divide parts into laminates and sandwich panels
  • Organize laminates by their thickness and sandwich panels by their skin thickness.
  • For each family, choose the laminate with the largest thickness or the sandwich panel with the largest skin thickness as the representative part.
  • Decide between thermal profiling of a representative part or charge(s) given the cost considerations.
  • Define the representative charge(s) if thermal profiling is not performed on a representative part(s):
Thermal management parameters for defining a representative part
Class Parameters
Shape (representative) Geometry (i.e., flat, curved, etc.)
Feature (i.e. inserts, holes, etc.)
Architecture (i.e. monolithic laminate, sandwich laminate, etc.)
Dimensions (i.e. thickness, width, length)
c) Define the representative tooling and equipment if not the same as the real equipment
Thermal management parameters for defining a representative equipment
Class Parameters
Tooling (representative) Geometry and configuration (i.e. type of substructure)
Dimensions (i.e. faceskin thickness, width, length)
Equipment (representative) Type (i.e. autoclave, hot press, oven, etc.)
Type (i.e. autoclave, hot press, oven, etc.)
Heat transfer mechanism (i.e. type and amplitude)
Temperature range and uniformity, controllable or not
Pressure range, controllable or not
1.3 Define zone(s) of interest
The purpose of the following step is to identify the zone(s) where the temperature has to be measured to capture the thermal history of the part. Thermal lead, lag, and exotherm locations are usually considered to demonstrate that a part's thermal history satisfies the thermal specifications. Thermocouples are installed at these critical locations to measure the manufacturing system response. Lead and lag locations are defined as being the first and last locations to reach the temperature hold respectively. Uncontrolled exotherms are mostly considered for thick parts. The critical locations to be monitored are, in general, determined empirically. The articles contained under Thermal management explain and illustrate how the manufacturing (MSTE) parameters affect lead, lag, and exotherm. Manufacturing simulation can also be used to develop a first understanding of the part’s thermal response and identify the most likely lead and lag locations (see How to perform a numerical thermal profile). When defining the zone(s) of interest, consider that:
  • For flat and small parts, when high temperature, convection-based equipment (i.e. oven or autoclave) are used, temperature typically leads on the bagside of the composite and lags on the toolside. It is also possible that a singular point on the part switches from being the lag to lead location, or vice versa, as the cycle advances. The largest exotherms occur at the thickest sections of the part. Parts made on tools that act as effective thermal sinks help mitigate the magnitude of this exotherm. A tool heat survey can be performed to assess the temperature uniformity of the tool and guide the identification of additional zones of interest. A tool heat survey is an optional step used to support the thermal profiling plan.
  • For complex, non-symmetrical, or large parts, when high temperature, convection-based equipment (i.e. oven and autoclave) are used, the non-uniformity of the air flow must be considered. In this case, a tool heat survey can also be performed to assess the non-uniformity of the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) and guide the identification of zones of interest.
a) Define exact location and categorization of all thermocouples (i.e. lead, lag, exotherm, part, proxy, etc.) for each zone of interest previously defined.
b) For convection-based equipment, define the tooling’s location and orientation (see task 3.2)
c) For non-ambient temperature equipment, document equipment’s temperature cycle

2. Approve PTTP

3. Conduct PTTP
At this stage, thermal profiling is implemented and the part's thermal history is assessed.
3.1 Instrument the part or representative part or charge. Instrument as described in the thermal profiling plan. Particular attention should be paid when placing the thermocouples to reduce the risk of apparent failure (i.e. a false negative). It is recommended to test the thermocouples before running the thermal profiling experiment.
3.2 Place the load in the thermal transformation cell. Note that, when convection-based equipment are used, the heat transfer coefficient variations are usually not considered while defining a thermal profiling plan. The tool location is not specified and documented in a typical thermal profiling plan. However, it is recommended to document the tool location and surrounding conditions. The robustness of the manufacturing process can be assessed by repeating this evaluation step for different tool locations.
3.3 Run temperature cycle.
3.4 Collect temperature measurements for assessment.

4. Analyze and troubleshoot PTTP
The last part of the thermal profiling workflow provides guidance on how to assess the results of the evaluation done previously and on how to optimize and troubleshoot the system if the specifications are or are not satisfied, respectively.
The main purpose of the following steps are to decide whether to run the production, optimize the system to reduce cost or to satisfy other outcomes, or troubleshoot the system to satisfy the specifications.
4.1 If specifications are satisfied, move to the final task and evaluate cost and other manufacturing outcomes.
4.2 If specifications are not satisfied, assess mitigation strategies detailed in Practice for troubleshooting a thermal transformation step.

5. Document PTTP

Limitations[edit | edit source]

Typically, each of the basic steps in the experimental thermal profiling workflow is based on empirical approaches. For instance, expertise or processing trials are required to ascertain where the thermal lead and lag locations on a part occur. Thermocouples are installed at these critical locations to measure the MSTE system response.

A common biased judgment is to think that the lead (fast cure point) always occurs at the thinnest location on the composite and that the lag (slow cure point) always occurs at the thickest location. This might be an incorrect assumption depending on the equipment used. In general, when convection-based equipment are used, temperature leads on the bag side of the composite and lags on the tool side, and it is possible to obtain a thermal lead and lag at the same point. Also, having a thermal lag distribution in your part or tool may actually help to mitigate the occurrence of an exothermic overshoot since:

  • Heat can be drawn out of the part and into the tool (since the tool generally lags the part),
  • Heat could be drawn out of a hot zone and into a cooler zone within a composite at any given point, if the thermal distribution is significant.

Manufacturing simulation can be introduced into the current practice to enable significant improvements in efficiency, effectiveness and robustness. To learn about thermal simulation, refer to how to perform a numerical thermal profile.

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Welcome to the CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC). The KPC is a resource for learning and applying scientific knowledge to the practice of composites manufacturing. As you navigate around the KPC, refer back to the information on this right-hand pane as a resource for understanding the intricacies of composites processing and why the KPC is laid out in the way that it is. The following video explains the KPC approach:

Understanding Composites Processing

The Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC) is centered around a structured method of thinking about composite material manufacturing. From the top down, the heirarchy consists of:

The way that the material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment (abbreviated as MSTE) interact with each other during a process step is critical to the outcome of the manufacturing step, and ultimately critical to the quality of the finished part. The interactions between MSTE during a process step can be numerous and complex, but the Knowledge in Practice Centre aims to make you aware of these interactions, understand how one parameter affects another, and understand how to analyze the problem using a systems based approach. Using this approach, the factory can then be developed with a complete understanding and control of all interactions.

The relationship between material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment during a process step

Interrelationship of Function, Shape, Material & Process

Design for manufacturing is critical to ensuring the producibility of a part. Trouble arises when it is considered too late or not at all in the design process. Conversely, process design (controlling the interactions between shape, material, tooling & consumables and equipment to achieve a desired outcome) must always consider the shape and material of the part. Ashby has developed and popularized the approach linking design (function) to the choice of material and shape, which influence the process selected and vice versa, as shown below:

The relationship between function, material, shape and process

Within the Knowledge in Practice Centre the same methodology is applied but the process is more fully defined by also explicitly calling out the equipment and tooling & consumables. Note that in common usage, a process which consists of many steps can be arbitrarily defined by just one step, e.g. "spray-up". Though convenient, this can be misleading.

The relationship between function, material, shape and process consisting of Equipment and Tooling and consumables


The KPC's Practice and Case Study volumes consist of three types of workflows:

  • Development - Analyzing the interactions between MSTE in the process steps to make decisions on processing parameters and understanding how the process steps and factory cells fit within the factory.
  • Troubleshooting - Guiding you to possible causes of processing issues affecting either cost, rate or quality and directing you to the most appropriate development workflow to improve the process
  • Optimization - An expansion on the development workflows where a larger number of options are considered to achieve the best mixture of cost, rate & quality for your application.