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Ensuring appropriate resin flow and part consolidation for a new material - P120

From CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre
Practice - A6Production Troubleshooting - A251Ensuring appropriate resin flow and part consolidation for a new material - P120
Ensuring appropriate resin flow and part consolidation for a new material
Practice document
Document Type Practice
Document Identifier 120
Objective functions
MSTE workflow Development

Q: "I am experienced in making relatively complex parts with standard tooling strategies but am looking at using a new resin chemistry. How do I ensure that that I get adequate flow and consolidation, neither excessive nor insufficient, with a new resin system?

A: Controlling the amount of resin flow is a complex task involving the material, part shape, tooling, and equipment for a given process (MSTEP collection). At a minimum, to ensure consistency in flow for different materials, the flow index should remain the same between materials. The details of flow index are outlined below. In many ways, this problem is similar to ensuring appropriate resin flow and part consolidation for a new cure cycle, except the issue is not the change in the thermal cycle, but a change in material. Generally speaking, this is a more complicated problem to solve, as a change in material likely has several other consequential effects including a potential change in specifications.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Resin flow and part consolidation are driven by the interaction between the material's viscosity, the applied pressure/vacuum, the part shape, and the boundary conditions on the part. In turn, the resin viscosity is dependent on the part temperature and the degree of cure of the resin. An increase in temperature, in itself, results in a decrease in viscosity due to thermal thinning: the molecules move apart from each other due to increased thermal vibration. But time at temperature leads to cure advancement in a thermoset. As the degree of cure increases, the molecules become longer and start to cross-link, and so the viscosity increases. Thus there are two competing effects when heating a thermoset: a decrease in viscosity due thermal vibration and an increase in viscosity due to cross-linking. Initially, the thermal effect dominates and overall the viscosity decreases. At some point, however, the degree of cure effect becomes dominant and the viscosity starts to increase. This trend accelerates until the material reaches a sufficient level of cure, called the gel point, beyond which the material can no longer flow, and consolidation is complete. Generally speaking, the higher the applied pressure, the more the material flows (until gelation) and the better the consolidation. Too much applied pressure, however, may cause excessive resin bleed out, resulting in potential dry spots and increased porosity in the finished part.

Thermal management/flow and consolidation management considerations[edit | edit source]

Link to Thermal management

Link to Materials deposition and consolidation management

The thermal history of the part determines the viscosity history of the resin. All else equal, a similar viscosity history should lead to a similar resin flow and thus resin volume fraction throughout the part. A simple measure of the effect of viscosity history on resin flow and resulting volume fraction is the flow index (FI)\[FI=\int{1 \over \mu} dt\]

Where the viscosity (μ) history can be determined either by simulation using a cure kinetics/viscosity model evaluated for the actual temperature history, if it exists for the material, or by a rheometry test using the actual temperature history.

If pressure is being applied, the pressure-modified flow index (PFI) can be used\[PFI=\int{p \over \mu} dt\]

Where the pressure (p) is the applied pressure, and it is assumed that the resin sees this full pressure. In reality, where the part is complex, the pressure seen by the resin is often not the applied pressure. This is particularly true where the tooling is rigid or semi-rigid on both sides. This is true in any closed mould process, but also in open mould processes where soft tooling (caul plates) are used on the bag side.

Here, you must take two steps. First, determine the FI or PFI for the material which is your baseline. Then determine the FI or PFI for the new material. Compare the two. Are they significantly different? If so, it is highly likely that you will encounter difficulties. Additionally, the amount of flow needed may be different in the two cases. Thus you may encounter difficulties due to downstream effects due to other differences, such as the amount of debulking required, the reinforcement behaviour, the resin propensity to form defects, and so forth.

Once the resin gels, the material typically stops flowing. To learn how to measure gelation, refer to the following link:

Materials deposition and consolidation management considerations[edit | edit source]

Link to Materials deposition and consolidation management (MDCM)

Content coming soon.

Residual stress and dimensional control management considerations[edit | edit source]

Link to residual stress and dimensional control management

Content coming soon.

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Welcome to the CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC). The KPC is a resource for learning and applying scientific knowledge to the practice of composites manufacturing. As you navigate around the KPC, refer back to the information on this right-hand pane as a resource for understanding the intricacies of composites processing and why the KPC is laid out in the way that it is. The following video explains the KPC approach:

Understanding Composites Processing

The Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC) is centered around a structured method of thinking about composite material manufacturing. From the top down, the heirarchy consists of:

The way that the material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment (abbreviated as MSTE) interact with each other during a process step is critical to the outcome of the manufacturing step, and ultimately critical to the quality of the finished part. The interactions between MSTE during a process step can be numerous and complex, but the Knowledge in Practice Centre aims to make you aware of these interactions, understand how one parameter affects another, and understand how to analyze the problem using a systems based approach. Using this approach, the factory can then be developed with a complete understanding and control of all interactions.

The relationship between material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment during a process step

Interrelationship of Function, Shape, Material & Process

Design for manufacturing is critical to ensuring the producibility of a part. Trouble arises when it is considered too late or not at all in the design process. Conversely, process design (controlling the interactions between shape, material, tooling & consumables and equipment to achieve a desired outcome) must always consider the shape and material of the part. Ashby has developed and popularized the approach linking design (function) to the choice of material and shape, which influence the process selected and vice versa, as shown below:

The relationship between function, material, shape and process

Within the Knowledge in Practice Centre the same methodology is applied but the process is more fully defined by also explicitly calling out the equipment and tooling & consumables. Note that in common usage, a process which consists of many steps can be arbitrarily defined by just one step, e.g. "spray-up". Though convenient, this can be misleading.

The relationship between function, material, shape and process consisting of Equipment and Tooling and consumables


The KPC's Practice and Case Study volumes consist of three types of workflows:

  • Development - Analyzing the interactions between MSTE in the process steps to make decisions on processing parameters and understanding how the process steps and factory cells fit within the factory.
  • Troubleshooting - Guiding you to possible causes of processing issues affecting either cost, rate or quality and directing you to the most appropriate development workflow to improve the process
  • Optimization - An expansion on the development workflows where a larger number of options are considered to achieve the best mixture of cost, rate & quality for your application.

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