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Material deposition - A182

From CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre
Material deposition
Document Type Article
Document Identifier 182

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Material deposition as a factory process step is concerned with placing (and consolidating) the constituent materials of a composite part onto the tooling. The material deposition step is highly dependent on the manufacturing process, which is likely why most processes are colloquially named after their deposition step. Material deposition processes can be broadly separated into two categories:

  • Deposition of the reinforcement onto the tool followed by the deposition of matrix (Tool + Reinforcement + Matrix)
  • Reinforcement and Matrix combined, then deposited onto the tool ((Reinforcement + Matrix) + Tool)

Regardless of the manufacturing process, material deposition and consolidation have direct impact on cost and final part quality. Depending on the process, material form and part shape, deposition and consolidation can consume a huge amount of time and resources in a manufacturing system, especially for complex and high performance composite parts. The combined effect of the material deposition and consolidation and the subsequent thermal transformation steps will determine local porosity, resin volume fraction leading to either resin rich or resin starved areas, and fibre misalignment.

Significance[edit | edit source]

Link to the outcome matrix

Material deposition and consolidation is a major cost driver in composite manufacturing. The capital and overhead cost of material deposition accounts for 40 - 60 % of the total cost depending on part complexity and production volume[1]. Several manufacturing outcomes are directly related to material deposition and consolidation. This includes wrinkling, fibre waviness, Fibre volume fraction, porosity (void content), residual stress and others. Further, material deposition rate can directly impact throughput. Choosing the correct manufacturing process and appropriate material deposition processing parameters are essential to a composite manufacturing system.

Scope[edit | edit source]

This page describes material deposition as a factory step. The material, shape, tooling and equipment associated with this step are discussed. Since material deposition and consolidation is heavily process dependent, this section is linked to a comprehensive list of composite manufacturing processes where material deposition and consolidation management is expanded into greater details.

Material deposition cell[edit | edit source]

At a material deposition cell in a factory, constituent materials of a composite part are deposited into the correct position on the tool. The tool must be cleaned and have proper release agent applied beforehand. Depending on the process/part requirements, the deposition cell may require a clean room where temperature, humidity, and UV light are controlled. The clean room should have slight positive air pressure to keep the dust particles out. Inlet air should be also be filtered to minimize dust particles. Other processes/parts may not require a clean room. For different manufacturing processes, the equipment and activities in this factory cell will be different. A brief description of what the material deposition cell looks like based on the manufacturing process is listed below.

  • Deposition of the reinforcement onto the tool followed by the deposition of matrix (Tool + Reinforcement + Matrix). Some typical processes in this category include:

Remarks on deposition, consolidation and thermal transformation[edit | edit source]

Depending on the manufacturing process, material deposition, consolidation and thermal transformation can be achieved in the same factory cell/step. Examples:

  • When the resin is impregnating the dry reinforcement during a wet lay-up process, a roller is typically used to consolidate the laminate
  • When impregnated filament is wound onto the mandrel during a filament winding process, the tension on the filament consolidates the already deposited material
  • In the case of pultrusion and continuous lamination, reinforcement and matrix are combined, consolidated and cured in the same factory cell For more information on the specific processing parameters, materials, shapes, tooling and equipment of these manufacturing process, please visit Materials deposition and consolidation management

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  1. [Ref] Campbell, F.C. (2004). Manufacturing Processes for Advanced Composites. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-1-85617-415-2.X5000-X. ISBN 9781856174152.CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link) CS1 maint: date and year (link)

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Welcome to the CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC). The KPC is a resource for learning and applying scientific knowledge to the practice of composites manufacturing. As you navigate around the KPC, refer back to the information on this right-hand pane as a resource for understanding the intricacies of composites processing and why the KPC is laid out in the way that it is. The following video explains the KPC approach:

Understanding Composites Processing

The Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC) is centered around a structured method of thinking about composite material manufacturing. From the top down, the heirarchy consists of:

The way that the material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment (abbreviated as MSTE) interact with each other during a process step is critical to the outcome of the manufacturing step, and ultimately critical to the quality of the finished part. The interactions between MSTE during a process step can be numerous and complex, but the Knowledge in Practice Centre aims to make you aware of these interactions, understand how one parameter affects another, and understand how to analyze the problem using a systems based approach. Using this approach, the factory can then be developed with a complete understanding and control of all interactions.

The relationship between material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment during a process step

Interrelationship of Function, Shape, Material & Process

Design for manufacturing is critical to ensuring the producibility of a part. Trouble arises when it is considered too late or not at all in the design process. Conversely, process design (controlling the interactions between shape, material, tooling & consumables and equipment to achieve a desired outcome) must always consider the shape and material of the part. Ashby has developed and popularized the approach linking design (function) to the choice of material and shape, which influence the process selected and vice versa, as shown below:

The relationship between function, material, shape and process

Within the Knowledge in Practice Centre the same methodology is applied but the process is more fully defined by also explicitly calling out the equipment and tooling & consumables. Note that in common usage, a process which consists of many steps can be arbitrarily defined by just one step, e.g. "spray-up". Though convenient, this can be misleading.

The relationship between function, material, shape and process consisting of Equipment and Tooling and consumables


The KPC's Practice and Case Study volumes consist of three types of workflows:

  • Development - Analyzing the interactions between MSTE in the process steps to make decisions on processing parameters and understanding how the process steps and factory cells fit within the factory.
  • Troubleshooting - Guiding you to possible causes of processing issues affecting either cost, rate or quality and directing you to the most appropriate development workflow to improve the process
  • Optimization - An expansion on the development workflows where a larger number of options are considered to achieve the best mixture of cost, rate & quality for your application.