
The CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre is in the early stages of content creation and currently focuses on the theme of thermal management.
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Template:Moved to commons

From CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre

20px Moved to Commons

50px Template documentation

See also

This list:

Inline icon templates by shape and color

Any of the following inline, comment-level templates can be converted into {{Resolved}}-style hatnotes by using {{Resbox}} to put a box around the icon and text.

Green check marks
24px Resolved {{Resolved mark large}}
20px Implemented {{Implemented}}
20px Partially implemented {{PImplemented}}
20px Resolved {{Resolved mark}}
20px Accepted {{Accepted}}
20px Agree {{Agree}}
20px Approved {{Approved}}
20px Checked {{Checked2}}
20px Verified {{Verified}}
20pxCY {{Conditional yes}}
16px Confirmed {{Confirmed}}
16px Confirmed with respect to the named user(s). 16px No comment with respect to IP address(es). {{Confirmed-nc}}
16px Technically indistinguishable {{Template:Technically indistinguishable}}
18px All socks blocked and tagged. Closing case. {{Blockedtaggedclosing}}
Green tickY {{Check mark}}
☑Y {{Tick}}
Helped {{Helped}}
 Done {{Done}}
 Task complete. {{Donetask}}
 Done – as a contested proposed deletion, the article has been restored on request. {{Unprod}}
Answered on user's talk page. {{Autp}}
Responded at the appropriate venue. {{Responded}}
32px  ☑Y Merger complete. {{Merge done}}
 Done {{Done-t}}
 Pass {{Pass}}
13pxY {{Aye}}
 Yes {{Yes check}}
Cross marks
X mark bigN {{X mark big}}
20pxN {{Cross}}
20pxNThis offer has expired {{Expired}}
18pxN Deleted {{Deleted}}
18px Not done {{Not done}}
18px Not done – empty request {{Not done empty request}}
18px Not done – please clarify {{Not done unclear}}
18pxN Not done and not likely to be done {{Not done not likely}}
18pxN Stale {{Stale-small}}
18px Rejected {{Smallrejected}}
16pxN {{X mark}}
13pxN {{Nay}}
11px No {{No mark}}
 No pass {{No pass}}
 Not done {{Not done-t}}
 Fail {{Fail}}
X markN {{X mark-n}}
File:☒.svg {{Xed box}}
15px Cancelled {{Cancelled}}
20px Deleted {{Deleted-image}}
20px Already declined {{Already declined}}
20px Blocked {{Opblocked}}
20px User blocked {{User-blocked}}
18px Not a bug {{Template:Not a bug}}
18px Not fixed {{Notfixed}}
18px Won't fix {{Won't fix}}
15px I withdraw my nomination {{Withdraw}}
17px No technical evidence {{Nojoy}}
16px Unrelated {{Unrelated}}
X mark bigN Off-topic {{Off-topic talk}}
Black check marks
18px Already done {{Already done}}
18px Resolved {{Resolved1}}
Check markY {{Check mark-n}}
12px {{Checked}}
File:Check mark.svg {{Checked box}}
Yellow check marks
☑Y {{Yellow tick}}
yellow tickY Half done {{Half done}}
yellow tickY Partly done {{Partly done}}
 Partly done {{Partly done-t}}
Blue check marks
Semi-done {{Semi-done}}
18px Fixed {{Fixed}}
18px Fixed by reporter {{Fixed by reporter}}
18px Pending {{Bug pending}}
18px Resolved {{Bug resolved}}
16px Blocked and tagged {{Blockedandtagged}}
16px Blocked without tags {{Blockedwithouttags}}
16px IP block exemption granted {{Ipbedone}}
16px IP blocked {{IPblock}}
16px Proxy blocked {{Pblock}}
16px Proxies blocked {{Psblock}}
16px Range blocked {{Rblock}}
Minus sign
20px Closed  {{Close}}
20px Denied {{Denied}}
20px Disagree {{Disagree}}
20px Not approved {{Unapproved}}
20px Not bug {{NotBug}}
18px Duplicate bug {{Duplicate bug}}
18px Invalid {{Invalid}}
16px Declined {{Declined}}
16px No action {{No action}}
16px No comment {{Nocomment}}
16px Unnecessary {{Unnecessary}}
16px No comment with respect to IP address(es) {{Template:No comment IP}}
20px Removed {{Removed}}
Plus sign
16px Added {{Added}}
16px Posted {{Posted}}
18px Works for me {{Works for me}}
16px Passed {{Passed}}
16px Likely {{Likely}}
22px Highly likely {{Highly likely}}
File:Symbol support2 vote.svg Clerk endorsed {{Endorse}}
16px Clerk declined {{Decline}}
16px Clerk declined – Checkuser will not link accounts to IPs, per the privacy policy. {{Decline-IP}}
16px Endorsed by a CheckUser {{Cu-endorsed}}
16px CheckUser declined {{Cudecline}}
16px Delisted {{Delisted}}
16px Inconclusive {{Inconclusive}}
18px Not Applicable {{N/A icon}}
Neutral sign
18px Closed {{Bug closed}}
18px New {{Bug new}}
15px Second opinion requested {{GA2ndopinion}}
Purple turn-right
16px Deferred {{Deferred}}
20px Defer to Abuse filter {{Deferabusefilter}}
20px Defer to Local blacklist {{Deferblack}}
20px Defer to Global blacklist {{Defermetablack}}
20px Defer to RS/N {{Deferrsn}}
20px Defer to WPSPAM {{Deferspam}}
20px Defer to XLinkBot {{Deferspambot}}
20px Defer to Whitelist {{Deferwhite}}
Simple clock
20px Pending approval {{PendingRequest}}
16x16px GA on hold {{GAOnHold}}
16px On hold {{On hold}}
16px On hold until {{OnHoldUntil}}
20px   Proposal on hold {{ProposalOnHold}}
20px Reviewing request. {{Reviewing request}}
20px Awaiting administrative action {{Awaitingadmin}}
20pxC {{Await}}
18px Later {{Later}}
18px Pending {{Tobedone}}
17px Discussion ongoing...
17px Doing... {{Doing}}
17px [[User:|]] is doing... {{Isdoing}}
16px Started {{Started}}
16px In progress {{Inprogress}}
16px Checking... {{Checking}}
17px Reviewing... {{Reviewing}}
Note mark
20px Needs discussion {{NeedsDiscussion}}
16px Note: {{A note}}
16px Administrator note {{Administrator note}}
18px Assigned {{Bug assigned}}
30px High Priority {{High priority}}
Nota bene* {{N.b.}}
20px Urgent: {{Urgent}}
20px- {{Bang}}
20px Requesting immediate archiving... {{Archive now}}
20px Bureaucrat note: {{Bureaucrat note}}
20px CheckUser note: {{CUnote}}
18px Acknowledged {{Bug acknowledged}} ({{Ack}})
18px Confirmed {{Bug confirmed}}
15px Comment: {{Comment}}
18px Remind {{Remind}}
20px Remark: {{Remark}}
16px Clerk note: {{Clerk-Note}}
17px Robot clerk note: {{Clerk-Note-bot}}
17px Editor note: {{Editor-Note}}
16px Renamer note: {{Renamer note}}
17px Coordinator note: {{Coordinator-note}}
Question mark
File:Blue question mark icon.svg Suggestion {{Suggestion}}
? Maybe {{Maybe-t}}
18px Maybe {{Maybe-i}}
20px? {{Qmark}}
13px? {{Question mark}}
20px {{InfoNeeded}}
20px Not done for now {{Not done for now}}
18px Not sure {{Not sure}}
20px Not sure. {{Notsure}}
20px Investigating... {{Investigating}}
17px Question: {{Question}}
17px foo: {{Question|label=foo}}
16px Additional information needed {{MoreInfo}}
18px Feedback required {{Bug feedback}}
20pxB {{Bulb}}
20pxB {{Bulb2}}
18px Idea: {{Idea}}
28px New proposal {{NewProposal}}
18px Thank you {{Thank you}}
18px Thank you very much! {{Thank you very much}}
18px You're welcome! {{You're welcome}}
18px Sorry! {{Sorry}}
25px Thanks {{Thank}}
33px Thank you {{WikiThanks}}
Thumb sign
Negative {{Thumbs down}}
Thumbs up {{Thumbs up}}
15px Great! {{Great}}
25px Like {{Like}}
16pxDislike {{Dislike}}


ω Awaiting {{Awaiting}}
((_*_) Buttinsky) {{Buttinsky}}
20px Comment. {{Template:BotComment}}
18px Dupe {{Bug dupe}}
16px Merged {{Clerk-Note-merged}}
28px   New bug {{NewBug}}
28px   Bug fixed {{BugFixed}}
28px   Duplicate proposal {{DuplicateProposal}}
24px Proposal out of scope {{ProposalOutOfScope}}
20px Moved to Commons {{Moved to commons}}
20px Orz... {{Orz}}
20px Possibly {{Possibly}}
15px I have read the above message. I will reply when I have a moment. {{Read}}
20px Redflag {{Redflag}}
24px Redundant {{Redundant symbol}}
20px Reopened {{Reopened}}
@Example: {{Reply to}}
20px Reverted {{Reverted}}
18px Review {{Twomanrule}}
15px Review – This section is under review or has been partially reviewed by {{UnderReview}}
15px Facepalm {{Facepalm}}
30px Running with scissors is too dangerous for Wikipedia! {{Scissors}}
20px Self-trout {{Self-trout}}
20px Self-whale...for when a trout just isn't enough {{Self-whale}}
20px Sent {{Sent}}
per snowball clause 15px {{Snow}}
15px This review has not received any comments in two weeks. {{Stale GAN}}
18px SUL Check {{SULcheck}}
17px ToDo {{ToDo}}
18px Undone {{Undone}}
18px Uploaded {{Uploaded}}
20px Warning {{Warnsign}}
200x20px Request withdrawn {{Withdrawn}}
20px Working {{Working}}
20px Wikipedia is not a crystal ball. {{WPcrystalball}}
16px Completed {{Completed}}
16px Blocked but awaiting tags {{Sblock}}
16px Possible {{Possible}}
Action was not done and/or was not feasible Not possible {{Impossible}}
16px Possilikely (a mix between possible and likely) {{Possilikely}}
16px Unlikely {{Unlikely}}
20px It looks like a duck to me {{Duck}}
20px20px It sounds like a duck quacking into a megaphone to me {{Megaphoneduck}}
35px35px 1.75x amplified ultimate quack of ultimate destiny {{Megaphoneduck|ultimate}}
16px Clerk assistance requested: {{Clerk Request}}
16px Relisted {{Template:Relist icon}}
16px No sleepers immediately visible {{Nosleepers}}
19px Behavioural evidence needs evaluation {{Behaviour}}
File:Symbol redirect vote.svg Global locks requested {{GlobalLocksRequested}}
16px Stale {{StaleIP}}
17px The CheckUser Magic 8-Ball says: {{8ball}}
Moved to commons was ejected.
16px CheckUser is not a crystal ball {{Crystalball}}
16px CheckUser is not for fishing {{Fishing}}
16px CheckUser is not magic pixie dust {{Pixiedust}}
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ {{Shrug}}
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) {{Lenny}}

Multi-sign templates

The following templates implement several icons:


CKN KPC logo


Welcome to the CKN Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC). The KPC is a resource for learning and applying scientific knowledge to the practice of composites manufacturing. As you navigate around the KPC, refer back to the information on this right-hand pane as a resource for understanding the intricacies of composites processing and why the KPC is laid out in the way that it is. The following video explains the KPC approach:

Understanding Composites Processing

The Knowledge in Practice Centre (KPC) is centered around a structured method of thinking about composite material manufacturing. From the top down, the heirarchy consists of:

The way that the material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment (abbreviated as MSTE) interact with each other during a process step is critical to the outcome of the manufacturing step, and ultimately critical to the quality of the finished part. The interactions between MSTE during a process step can be numerous and complex, but the Knowledge in Practice Centre aims to make you aware of these interactions, understand how one parameter affects another, and understand how to analyze the problem using a systems based approach. Using this approach, the factory can then be developed with a complete understanding and control of all interactions.

The relationship between material, shape, tooling & consumables and equipment during a process step

Interrelationship of Function, Shape, Material & Process

Design for manufacturing is critical to ensuring the producibility of a part. Trouble arises when it is considered too late or not at all in the design process. Conversely, process design (controlling the interactions between shape, material, tooling & consumables and equipment to achieve a desired outcome) must always consider the shape and material of the part. Ashby has developed and popularized the approach linking design (function) to the choice of material and shape, which influence the process selected and vice versa, as shown below:

The relationship between function, material, shape and process

Within the Knowledge in Practice Centre the same methodology is applied but the process is more fully defined by also explicitly calling out the equipment and tooling & consumables. Note that in common usage, a process which consists of many steps can be arbitrarily defined by just one step, e.g. "spray-up". Though convenient, this can be misleading.

The relationship between function, material, shape and process consisting of Equipment and Tooling and consumables


The KPC's Practice and Case Study volumes consist of three types of workflows:

  • Development - Analyzing the interactions between MSTE in the process steps to make decisions on processing parameters and understanding how the process steps and factory cells fit within the factory.
  • Troubleshooting - Guiding you to possible causes of processing issues affecting either cost, rate or quality and directing you to the most appropriate development workflow to improve the process
  • Optimization - An expansion on the development workflows where a larger number of options are considered to achieve the best mixture of cost, rate & quality for your application.

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